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Fashion Revolution Week 2020

It's that time of year again.

Fashion Revolution Week has come around. A time in which we remember all 1138 of the people who lost their lives in the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory on 24th April 2013. And all those who's lives would never be the same again.

This is a time to commemorate, but also to celebrate. We will celebrate all those change-makers out there striving to make the world of fashion kinder, brighter, more inclusive and less damaging - to both people and planet.

This week - and always - we ask brands around the world - 'who made my clothes?'

Fashion Revolution is a global movement, initiated by Carry Somers & Orsola de Castro, which seeks to advocate for transparency in supply chains, promote greater safety and welfare standards and lessen the environmental impact of clothing production. Although this is a year-round mission, for one week each year, we have the opportunity to really pinpoint, break-down and examine the issues within the fashion industry on a worldwide platform.

I'll be joining in with Fash Rev's daily actions, sharing as many learning resources as I can through our social media channels and giving a shout-out to some of my favourite ethical brands.

In addition to this, on Thursday evening at 8.30pm, I'll be taking part in a webinar panel discussion hosted by Julia of Upcycle Fashion & HoTT, alongside fellow slow-fashion advocates Caroline of Rehash Textiles and Laura from Aura Que.

We'll discuss our thoughts on The True Cost (which HoTT are screening virtually), chat about sustainable fashion and answer your questions. There'll also be a short quiz!

You can register to view the film and the webinar on Eventbrite (see full details below).

Today's daily action is: share your clothing love story. Here's one of mine.....

And I'd love to see yours. Tag @pkt_clothing with the hashtag #lovedclotheslast. Or email a pic and your love story to and I'll do a little round-up later in the week.

Look after yourselves. Much love,

Holly x



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